Intro to Kundalini Yoga

Key priniciples to understand before beginning your practice

Kundalini Yoga was created for the Aquarian Age. That is, it was created to tone the nervous system, cultivate your self-sensory system (inner guidance), and teach your mind to obey your heart instead of following old programming.

It is a technology created to help us navigate the incredible amount of stress and turmoil we are all experiencing. And it teaches you that you are your teacher and guide and that your body and mind have all the resilience and brilliance they need for you to thrive amongst the chaos.

The video above covers some key concepts that will help you to get the most out of the Kundalini Yoga classes (kriyas), meditations and breathwork (pranayama) I offer.

Disclaimer of responsibility

Kundalini Yoga is founded on the development of self-awareness, including for each practitioner, an awareness of their own physical capabilities and limitations on a day to day basis. It is the responsibility of each person practicing Kundalini Yoga, whether in a class under instruction or outside of class and instruction, to be mindful of these limitations and to challenge them at an appropriate rate, which can only be deemed by the person practicing. 

It is recommended that you consult with a medical practitioner to ensure your safety and ability to participate within Kundalini Yoga class and directions.

The directions given in class are given with modifications where possible, however as stated, it is essential that class participants retain full responsibility for their own physical well-being in applying the instructions of the yoga to their own circumstances, both during and outside of class.

Please note that I, Michelle Marsh and Aromanosis, do not accept any liability for any injury or loss suffered by clients in their practice, whether during or outside of class.