Meet the monkey in your mind
Guided visualisation and journaling to better understand your mind
The purpose of this exploration is to allow you to connect and understand you ‘monkey mind’ at a deeper level. Understanding and awareness allow us to have greater self control and autonomy.
This exploration is in two parts. The first part is a guided visualisation, where you will meet your monkey. The second is automatic writing for 10 minutes.
Before completing the visualization, make sure you have a pen and journal/paper ready to you can go to step 2 straight away.
Part 1: Visualisation
Find a comfortable place to relax to complete the 5 minute guided visualisation.
Meditation: Meet the monkey in your mind
Part 2: Journaling
Put on a timer for 10 minutes and begin journaling with from the prompt:
Hello I am (Insert your monkey’s name)…..
Continue writing from the perspective of your monkey. Don’t stop writing till the time is up even if it means you repeat the same words again and again.
When you have completed 10 minutes, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned through this exploration.
About Michelle
Hi I’m Michelle Marsh and I am a coach, therapist, Kundalini Yoga teacher and lover of life.
As Mum with ADHD and highly sensitive person who is also a sensation seeker, I understand what it’s like to have your sensitivity running your life instead of aiding it. But I also know from experience that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you are willing to do the work. For myself, I was never afraid of doing the work… I just couldn’t work out WHAT to do! After years of searching, a few burn outs/breakdowns and intense study I became clear on what works and what doesn’t.
But I am not just sharing with you from an experience point of view. I am also teaching from a professional stance as someone who has studied and integrated teachings from biological, psychological and esoteric traditions. These include Creative Therapies, Kundalini Yoga (KRI), Registered Nursing, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Plant Medicine and Natural Living.
I combine my naturally enthusiastic belief in EVERY BODY with my natural empathic talents to provide you with just the right amount of space and direction so you can go deep and resurface anew.
During the time that I am your coach, I will not leave you hanging between sessions as I am available via email to answer questions and provide support as needed.
If you are unsure whether working with me is right for your unique circumstances, please reach out and I will help you to find clarity. I don’t do sales calls so our chat will be very casual and I will refer you in the right direction if I see that Aromanosis is not right for you at this time.
Michelle Marsh
Registered Counsellor (ACA)
Registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher (KRI)
Bsc (Nursing), Grad Dip Creative Therapies, Kundalini Yoga Teacher Cert, Clinical Hypnotherapy Cert