Nov 27, 2023 | Quick & effective support for when you can't relax, When you can't relax
Meditation to Promote the Parasympathetic Nervous System This meditation has the ability to relax your nervous system into parasympathetic function, but before you get there it is possible you will experience tension and difficulty within the mind and body! The...
Nov 27, 2023 | Quick & effective support for when you can't relax, When you can't relax
Discharge feelings of anxiety & racing Time: Allocate your own. Recommended 1 minute to 11 minutes. Useful for: Feelings of anxiety, heart & mind racing, difficulty catching breath (unable to take a deep breath), sympathetic nervous system activation,...
Nov 21, 2023 | Understanding why you can't relax
You are a beautiful unique being and as such the restlessness or inability to relax right now, will be unique to you. Use the journal prompts below to gain deeper insight and understanding. Exploring Your Restlessness: Describe the physical sensations you’re...
Nov 21, 2023 | Understanding why you can't relax
You know that long deep breathing will help to relax you but you just can’t seem to catch your breath to be able to do it! This video explains why sometimes relaxing and calming down out of a state of high stress and anxiety is not as easy as taking a few deep...